Our Story

Our Story

It all started with a heavy heart and an intuitive nature. Several years ago after a long time working in the fashion industry, I found myself out of work, I had three children and my youngest Annie had just left primary school. I felt totally lost and started to ask the question, who am I other than a mum, a wife and the role I played at work? At the time I was absolutely stumped for an answer. And I found myself sinking deeper and deeper into a void. I was over weight, unfit and depressed. Then one day I decided to run to my local town, 3 miles away, so, totally unprepared, off I went, and it was torture! I didn’t even take water. I went straight to an old friends shop where she gave me a drink and we had a good catch up. She then invited me to join her at a yoga class. That decision to run to town that day was a decision that altered the course of my life. Although I found the yoga class incredibly hard, I loved it and soon became hooked. Fast forward a year I decided to go to Thailand and train as a yoga teacher as not only did regular yoga make me fit and helped me lose weight I felt huge shifts in my mental and emotional health. Little did I know how transformative this would be. Although I felt incredible when I returned back to the UK I was aware I had been blasted energetically wide open and I knew how much work I had to do on myself to heal properly.

This is where the real work began, looking deep inside of myself, under the masks and roles to heal old wounds and break through old behaviours. So off I went to a lady I had been practicing yoga with. She was a Reiki karuna and crystal healer. I walked into her healing room and was blown away by the amount of crystals she had. She said don’t worry I’ll probably only have to use a few. An hour later I was under about a ton of crystals! My back chakras were wide open from my yoga training. This began my journey into healing with crystals. They have been absolutely fundamental in my healing journey and remain so to this day. Initially I found the whole crystal “thing” quite overwhelming so I started small. Working with one crystal at a time. Getting to know it and it’s properties then slowly building up my collection. Often when I teach yoga people are always asking about the many crystals I wear or have around my studio and I find myself waxing lyrical but this can often be information overload. So my advice is always find one you are drawn to either aesthetically, energetically or you like the sound of it’s healing properties then treat it like a new best friend. Get to know it well and spend time with it.

2 years ago I went to India and I stumbled across the most amazing crystal jewellery maker. He made the most beautiful Labradorite ring for me. I told all of my yoga community back home and the orders came flooding in. I certainly kept this man busy during my stay there. Since then I have revisited my old passion for fashion and have loved the fact that I can merge healing with style. This is how Moonchild was born. My vision is to be able to help people navigate the world of crystals one gem at a time and incorporate them into their everyday style. The name Moonchild came as a bit of a play on words. As I said crystals have been a huge part of my healing journey and I thank the universe everyday that I was lead to do such deep healing work as only 3 years ago we lost our beautiful eldest daughter in tragic circumstances. Had I not have embarked on such a journey I doubt I would have got through this. Madayln. Or Maddy moo as we called her also followed in my footsteps and studied fashion design. She was also a very talented makup artist. She once decided that she would like to follow in her Dad’s footsteps and learn to be a DJ, her Dj name was going to be Moochild…. We loved the idea of this however she soon went off this plan as kids do and moved on to something else, but the name always stuck in my head so as a little play on words and a nod to my angle we called our company Moonchild. I run Moonchild with my youngest daughter Annie who keeps me in check and helps with all things social media. She brings a massive sense of fun to the company and I am so grateful that I get to work with my daughter everyday. So that is my story and this is where I am on my journey. Life can sometimes be a struggle and there is always healing to be done but as long as I have my crystals I know I have support.

Teacher training in India Me & Annie